Soutoura is a charitable organization which provides relief, moral support and financial assistance to the sick, the poor and children in Senegal. Our goal is to help in discretion.
Soutoura symbolizes what we all do on a daily basis in Senegal: providing support to the poor people around us. However, Soutoura has had the ambition for more than a decade to reach those … read next

Patients or hospitals social services reach out to Soutoura.

Beginning of the moral support !

A social and economic investigation is conducted.

Soutoura’s agents meet with the patient at the hospital.

Soutoura’s executive committee take a decision on whether patients are eligible for support or not.

Soutoura directly pays hospitals, pharmacies or laboratories for approved treatments.

Soutoura assists patients and follows up their situation as well as the use of the resources provided to them.

The moral support continues !
Soutoura Health
Soutoura santé is the main activity of the association. We intervene in the treatment of cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgeries, etc.), the purchase of prescriptions, the payment of analyzes, medical imaging and other surgical procedures. We also provide, for certain beneficiaries, transportation for medical appointments and food support read next
Soutoura Education
Soutoura Education is a skills development program for girls in math and science and a remediation program for students who have difficulty following in class in public institutions.
The development program is designed to encourage and promote the success of students in mathematics, science and technology but above all to follow a scientific career.
The remediation program is designed to upgrade students for a period of … read next
Ker Soutoura
Soutoura brings great relief to many families. However, it remains powerless in the face of certain difficult situations of patients who often find themselves in total precariousness.
Coming from the interior of the country, they often find themselves alone in Dakar, without means and without attachment, which binds them, which forces them to camp under … read next
Soutoura Prevention
Soutoura started its first prevention campaign in May 2019 through days of awareness and free screening for breast and cervical cancer.
Organized under the slogan “Let’s mobilize against Cancer”, these days aim to inspire and mobilize populations, health actors, local communities, elected departmental and regional officials and especially the state, in order to raise awareness among all the social strata on this plague which … read next
Our Partners
These companies have been sensitive and generous. Like them, board the solidarity and mutual aid train towards the destination Dignity for all!
Seduced by its performance, the BOA trusts Soutoura. It establishes a partnership with Soutoura to support the poor, by allocating generous donations ranging from 10 million FCFA in 2017 to … read next
Our Mission
Soutoura's mission is to support vulnerable communities in Senegal by facilitating their access to health care and basic education.
Our Vision
We dream of a future where all Senegalese can lead healthy and fulfilling lives, regardless of their financial situation.
Our Values
We serve our beneficiaries with discretion and humility so that they can preserve their dignity.
Our partners